Oh, Hi!


Hey guys I’ve been meaning to check in but have been a very busy bee trying to get my little business off the ground! I am pleased to say we now have a website that is nearly finished and I am staying super busy with lots of orders which is different but I love it.

I woke up this morning super excited because one of my shutterfly packages came today! I wanted to get some pictures of my nieces printed and some random other pics I’ve taken of family and friends. I actually had a coupon for 101 free prints and only spent $8 on shipping which didn’t seem to bad. They came out looking so good and now I can hang them on the walls!

ImageHere’s some already on the wall I think I need more frames! I love the big collage frame in the middle, It’s nice having a place to put the pictures I have of my mom where I can see them. I actually have two little frames with pictures of Jessie but one is broken and the other is on my night stand and you guys don’t wanna see the mess that is my night stand.

I have been mostly making dresses for small babies these last few months. I love how simple but cute they are. 🙂


I can’t wait to see them on the babies they were bought for sooo cute!

I hope you guys have a great week!
